What is a blocked account?

As a foreign citizen you need a visa if you want to live and study in Germany. For this you must be able to prove before entering the country that you can support yourself. The easiest way is to transfer money to a German blocked account already at home. Such a bank account is opened by a special provider in your name here in Germany. Sometimes this blocked account is also called a Blocked Bank Account.

How does a blocked account work?

These are the steps you take to provide proof of funding with the blocked account:

1. You are looking for a provider for a German blocked account.

2. You open an account there.

3. You pay in the required amount.

4. You can submit the bank statement with your visa application.

Who needs a blocked account?

If you are from a non-EU country and want to study in Germany, you must apply for a student visa. However, the German state does not want to pay for your living expenses here. You must prove to them that you can support yourself for one year. You need the money in your blocked account if your parents cannot pay for you and if you have not received a scholarship from a college or university in your home country. You do need to pay the required amount into the blocked account only when you actually apply for the visa.

The advantages of the blocked account

Life in Germany is expensive. You should be able to earn your living here from your own resources. There are various ways to do this - the blocked account offers you many advantages:

- Es lässt sich von zu Hause aus eröffnen.

- You can use specialized providers who can also help you with other questions regarding your stay here. They will also open a regular bank account for you in Germany.

- You can pay the amount little by little. It does not have to be complete until you apply for your visa.

- After your arrival you will have money immediately. You are allowed to transfer 861 euros per month from your blocked account to your regular bank account.

How do you find the right provider?

In Germany you will find many banks that can open a blocked account for you. This service works very well via the Internet. Today, a modern account also includes online access and a mobile app. Check exactly with your provider about the procedures and the necessary documents you need to submit. Often you need:

- an application formBewerbungsformular

- the confirmation of admission from the college or university

- a valid passport

- a statement from your bank in your home country about your income

- the payment of a fee


You can also ask your questions about student visas and blocked accounts at the German consulate in your home country.