Provisit Visum travel health insurance for Germany and EuropeProvisit Visum travel health insurance for Germany and Europe



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provisit visum
Travel health insurance for Schengen visa

  • Get your money back if you cannot enter the country due to illness or visa denial
  • Simple conclusion of contract with immediate confirmation
  • All major payment methods accepted
  • Cancellation and rebooking free of charge
Purchase now

Who is Provisit Visum for?

  • Foreign visitors
  • Visitors from abroad
  • Tourists to Germany
  • Short-stay tourists
  • Groups of visitors
  • Visiting family and friends
  • Business travelers in Schengen countries
  • Trade fair visitors

Provisit Visum is a travel health insurance specifically for visitors to Germany with a Schengen visa. It is ideal for both personal and business travel for up to 180 days. If you are coming to Germany as a visitor or business traveler and need a Schengen visa (visa type C), Provisit Visum is the perfect health insurance for you: officially recognized, affordable, and easy to obtain. In addition, there is no age limit for Provisit Visum.

You can purchase Provisit Visum on a daily basis according to the duration of your trip and pay only for the required insurance period. After concluding the contract online, you will immediately receive proof of insurance for consulates, embassies, immigration offices and other official bodies by email.

Provisit Visum at a glance

Provisit Visum travel health insurance - insurance period
Insurance period
1 to 180 days
Provisit Visum travel health insurance payment
Lump sum payment by debit, credit card, PayPal and other options
Provisit Visum travel health insurance deductible
Provisit Visum travel health insurance - Age limit
Age limit
Provisit Visum travel health insurance - Money-back guarantee
Money-back guarantee
Cancellation and rebooking free of charge
Provisit Visum travel health insurance - Insured region
Insured region
Germany and Schengen countries
Provisit Visum travel health insurance - Conclusion of contract
Conclusion of contract
Prior to arrival or within 10 days after
Provisit Visum travel health insurance - Insurance confirmation
Insurance confirmation
Immediately after online conclusion by e-mail
Provisit Visum travel health insurance - Proof of insurance
Proof of insurance
Officially recognized

Provisit Visum benefits

Health insurance
Health, personal liability and accident insurance
Outpatient medical treatment
Inpatient medical treatment including operations
Provision with medicine, dressing material and medical appliances
Provision with remedies such as physiotherapy and physical therapy (during the entire insurance period)
up to €250
up to €250
Medically necessary transport of patients for purposes of inpatient treatment
Medically necessary and prescribed return transport of an ill insured person from abroad to his/her home country
Noncontributory extension of insurance coverage up to 90 days if the stay must be extended for medical reasons
Repatriation of the mortal remains of the insured person or burial costs in case of death
Direct billing with physicians and hospitals without advance payment
Health insurance without deductible
24-hour emergency service
Dental treatment for pain relief
Simple repair of existing dentures
Personal liability insurance
Bodily injuries and property damage
Damage to members of a host family (but not their property) as well as fire damage to household effects and buildings of a host family caused by negligence on the part of the insured person
Accident insurance
Accidental death benefit
Benefit in case of 100% accidental disability
Disability benefit
Progression (increase in the sum insured in proportion to the degree of disability)
225 %
Rescue costs
Plastic surgery as a result of an accident

Provisit Visum premiums

Premium per day
Health insurance
Health, personal liability and accident insurance
For people up to 64 years
For people 65 years and above
Minimum fee


More information about Provisit Visum

You will find a full description of benefits and benefit exclusions in the Customer information download (German).

Product information sheet

Customer information & terms and conditions

Provisit Visum premiums and benefits

icon plus

From €1.10 per day

  • Health insurance
  • Outpatient medical treatment
  • Inpatient medical treatment including operations
  • Provision with medicine, dressing material and medical appliances
  • Provision with remedies such as physiotherapy and physical therapy (during the entire insurance period) up to €250
  • Medically necessary transport of patients for purposes of inpatient treatment
  • Medically necessary and prescribed return transport of an ill insured person from abroad to his/her home country
  • Noncontributory extension of insurance coverage up to 90 days if the stay must be extended for medical reasons
  • Repatriation of the mortal remains of the insured person or burial costs in case of death
  • Direct billing with physicians and hospitals without advance payment
  • Health insurance without deductible
  • 24-hour emergency service
  • Dental treatment for pain relief
  • Simple repair of existing dentures
Premium per day
  • For people up to 64 years (Minimum fee: €20.00)
  • Daily €1.10
  • For people 65 years and above (Minimum fee: €20.00)
  • Daily €6.50

icon plus

From €1.30 per day

For only €0.20 per day more, you get all the benefits of Provisit Visum health insurance plus:

  • Personal liability insurance
  • Bodily injuries and property damage: €1,000,000
  • Damage to members of a host family (but not their property) as well as fire damage to household effects and buildings of a host family caused by negligence on the part of the insured person: €1,000,000
  • Accident insurance
  • Accidental death benefit: €5,000
  • Benefit in case of 100% accidental disability: €67,500
  • Disability benefit: €30,000
  • Progression (increase in the sum insured in proportion to the degree of disability): 225 %
  • Rescue costs: €3,000
  • Plastic surgery as a result of an accident: €3,000
Premium per day
  • For people up to 64 years (Minimum fee: €20.00)
  • Daily €1.30
  • For people 65 years and above (Minimum fee: €20.00)
  • Daily €6.70

More information about Provisit Visum

You will find a full description of benefits and benefit exclusions in the Customer information download (German).

Product information sheet

Customer information & terms and conditions

Provisit Visum - private health insurance for foreigners requiring a visa in Germany

Provisit Visum is a private international health insurance for stays in Germany of up to 6 months and is particularly suitable for foreign tourists, holidaymakers and visitors, as well as business travelers and trade fair visitors. Provisit Visum is particularly inexpensive and is guaranteed to be accepted by visa authorities. This makes this incoming insurance ideal for visitors who require a Schengen visa for their stay in Germany.

A special feature of this incoming health insurance: unlike comparable private health insurances, Provisit Visum has no age limit. As with almost all private health insurance policies, persons over a certain age limit pay a higher premium, but the higher tariff level also offers very good insurance cover at a fair price.

You will receive confirmation of the conclusion of Provisit Visum immediately by e-mail. You can use this confirmation for the visa authorities as proof of valid health insurance in Germany.

Provisit Visum is not only an incoming health insurance for guests in Germany, but also an insurance package that optionally includes other insurances that are important for your stay:

- Personal liability insurance protects you against costs incurred if you accidentally damage other people or their property. Among other things, personal liability insurance is important for renting accommodation in Germany.

- Accident insurance pays for disability, cosmetic surgery or accidental death.

You can cancel Provisit Visum early without any problems. Please inform us of your cancellation as soon as possible, as the cancellation will take effect on the day you submit it. Retroactive cancellation is only possible if you join a statutory health insurance scheme. In this case, we need the membership certificate as proof.

You only pay the premiums that have been paid up to the date of cancellation. If there is a credit balance, this will be transferred back to you immediately and without deduction of an administration fee. Please note that there is a minimum premium of € 20.00.

If you or your guest are unable to enter the country due to a visa refusal, the insurance premium can be refunded. For a refund of the premium, please submit the notice of refusal from the embassy or consulate.

Please have your insurance number and any necessary documents ready and use this online form for your cancellation.

The health insurance system in Germany can be particularly confusing for visitors from abroad. The "insurance jargon" does not make it any easier for foreign guests to find and take out the right health insurance for their visit to Germany. For this reason, the hosts often take out health insurance on behalf of the foreign guest.

It's very simple: in our online conclusion, we ask you for the details of the "applicant" and the person who is to be insured. This can be the same person. But it can also be two different people. The applicant is the person who concludes the contract. Please note: Usually, only the applicant is entitled to change or terminate the contract prematurely. However, you can agree with us that the insured person can also change or terminate the contract prematurely.

One of the requirements for the issue of a Schengen visa is the proof of an international health insurance policy. According to the Federal Foreign Office, this must fulfill the following conditions:

1. It must have a minimum cover of 30,000 euros.
2. It must be valid for the entire duration of the stay
3. It must be valid not only in Germany, but in all Schengen states.

Provisit Visum of course does have the required minimum cover of 30,000 euros, is valid in all Schengen states and can be taken out for a period of up to 180 days.

If, contrary to expectations, there are problems with the issue of your visa, there is no financial risk for you: you can cancel Provisit Visum free of charge or postpone the insurance period.

What to do in case of an insured event?

What do you have to do if you actually get sick as a guest from abroad during your stay in Germany? What do you do in the event of a medical emergency? And above all: What do you have to do so that the insurance company pays for the treatment? We answer these questions in our overview "Procedure in the event of a claim".

Exclusion of benefits – the facts

  1. intentionally caused by the insured person;
  2. caused by the insured person as a result of an intentional criminal act or the intentional attempt of committing a criminal act.

  • treatments of which it was certain prior to the journey that they would have to take place under normal circumstances, unless the death of a spouse or a first degree relative was the reason for the journey;
  • diseases and their consequences as well as consequences of an accident that are the reason for traveling abroad;
  • treatments due to employment abroad;
  • treatment of mental disorders and illnesses, psychosomatic treatment (e.g. hypnosis, autogenous training) and psychotherapy;
  • childbirth, abortion as well as examinations and treatments due to pregnancy;
  • costs for the treatment of pre-existing conditions, including chronic diseases, unless there is an acute and unforeseen deterioration in the state of health;
  • health damage and death caused by war and unrest. There is, however, insurance coverage if the insured person faces sudden and unexpected war or civil war. Such insurance coverage expires at the end of the 7th day after the outbreak of war or civil war in the country where the insured person stays.
  • diseases or accidents based on intent, including suicide, attempted suicide and addiction (e.g. alcohol, drugs, etc.) as well as the consequences of such diseases or accidents and detoxification and withdrawal treatments;
  • housing due to need for long-term care or keeping;
  • treatment at a health resort and at a sanitarium as well as rehabilitation measures;
  • examinations or treatment methods and medicine that are neither scientifically recognized in the respective country of stay nor in the patient’s home country;
  • dental treatment that goes beyond treatment for pain relief, repair of dentures and temporary solutions, like new dentures including dental crowns, dental cosmetics and orthodontics;
  • medical treatment and other medically prescribed measures where the insured person was aware at the start of the insured stay that they had to take place for medical reasons when the insured stay was scheduled to take place (e.g. dialysis).

You will find the detailed benefits and exclusion of benefits in the General Insurance Conditions.

  • damage caused by the use of a motor vehicle is not insured. This includes both personal injury and damage to property;
  • damages caused by the exchange, transmission or provision of electronic data.

You will find the detailed terms and conditions in the Liability Insurance Conditions.

  • accidents caused directly or indirectly by nuclear power;
  • accidents as a result of mental illness or cognitive disorders;
  • accidents caused directly or indirectly by foreseeable acts of war.

You will find the detailed terms and conditions in the Accident Insurance Conditions.

Incoming, Schengen visa and other topics

Non-Europeans generally need a so-called "Schengen visa" to enter Europe. The Schengen states include Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

In addition, there are countries that do not belong to the Schengen states but have concluded a visa-free agreement with the EU. These are, amongst others, Argentina, Israel, Japan, Canada, the USA and the United Kingdom. Visitors to Germany from these countries therefore do not require a visa.

No, Provisit Visum is suitable for all visitors to Germany, whether they require a visa or not. If your stay in Germany is not expected to last longer than 180 days, we recommend Provisit Visum due to its favorable price and easy online application.

So, with Provisit Visum, guests who do not require a visa can also take out insurance. If the visitor comes from a European country, they are usually a member of the public health insurance scheme in their home country, comparable to the statutory health insurance scheme in Germany. In this case, the insurance cover applies throughout Europe, including Germany.

Why should a foreign guest who already has valid health insurance in Germany take out additional health insurance abroad such as Provisit Visum? Because it is very likely that their home health insurance will not pay for certain things that are very important when you are in a foreign country.

Public health insurance does not pay for everything

You should know: Public health insurance companies generally only pay what they would pay for treatment if you fall ill in your home country. This does not include medical repatriation. If the foreign guest becomes so ill during their stay in Germany that hospital treatment becomes necessary (traffic accident, skiing accident), they must pay for their own transportation back home.

Only very few people can afford this. For this reason, public health insurers also recommend taking out additional travel health insurance when traveling abroad, which covers medical repatriation, among other things. 

Why travel health insurance is important

Another cost risk for the foreign guest can be the different standard rates and benefit catalogs of their home health insurance. This means that the treatment he needs during his stay may be more expensive in Germany than in his home country. In this case, his home insurance will only pay the amount that this treatment would cost in his home country.

It may even be that a treatment is carried out on the instructions of the German doctor that is not even included in the benefits catalog of the home insurance. This often happens with dental treatment, for example. The foreign guest must then also pay for this treatment out of their own pocket.

We therefore recommend that foreign guests take out travel health insurance such as Provisit Visum, regardless of whether they are entering the country with valid health insurance in Germany or not.

No, with Provisit Visum you are insured throughout Europe, more precisely in the Schengen states: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

Stays in Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City are also covered. 

In the private health insurance sector, it is common for contracts to be terminable on a monthly basis. This means that if the guest returns home from abroad in the middle of the month, they have to pay for the entire month. This is not a favorable solution for the guest.

Provisit Visum is different in that regard. Here, the foreign guest pays per day, not per month. This is what makes Provisit Visum so affordable. Let's assume the foreign guest wants to visit his family in Germany for 90 days, but for some reason has to leave after 70 days. Whereas with other private health insurers he has to pay the full premium for three months, which is 100%, with Provisit Visum he only pays for 70 days, saving over 22%.

The same applies, of course, if the visit begins later than originally planned. If the date of entry is postponed, the contribution is reduced by the corresponding number of days. Premiums paid in excess will be refunded without additional fees. So if you are looking for affordable private health insurance for foreign guests, Provisit Visum is the ideal solution.

Provisit Visum as a private health insurance is particularly suitable for foreign guests coming to Germany from so-called "third countries". These visitors generally require a visa. In most cases, the foreign guest must submit a declaration of commitment from their host in Germany when applying for a visa.

This means that the host undertakes to cover the costs of living, accommodation and health care for the visitor. For this reason, it is important that the foreign guest has adequate health insurance during their stay in Germany, as the costs that can arise from an illness or accident of the guest are astronomical.

Only very few of us can pay for several weeks of hospital stays, operations and patient transportation out of our own pockets. To ensure that neither guests nor hosts find themselves in this financial predicament, proof of health insurance with sufficient cover is required for the visa.

With the simple online conclusion of Provisit Visum, you can complete this formality quickly. You will receive a confirmation e-mail for submission to the visa authorities immediately after completing the process. This way, you and your foreign guest are on the safe side.

Insurance companies use the term "incoming" to describe insurance policies taken out by people who come to Germany from abroad, or more precisely: by people who have their permanent residence outside Germany. Incoming refers not only to health insurance, but to all types of insurance. So there is also incoming liability insurance, incoming accident insurance, etc.

The European Union stipulates that incoming insurance policies must be valid throughout Europe and not just in a specific country. Provisit Visum as a typical incoming insurance policy is also valid not only in Europe, but in the entire Schengen area. This means that foreign visitors do not have to stay permanently in Germany, but can travel throughout Europe with Provisit Visum.

Provisit Visum is therefore particularly suitable as incoming insurance for trips and stays of up to 180 days and is ideal for holidays, tourists, family visits lasting several weeks, business trips and trade fair visitors.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions


Provisit Visum by DR-WALTER

At, we offer short and long-term insurance policies for visiting foreign nationals in Germany. Provisit Visum is the recognized international health insurance for Schengen stays of up to six months. Over 100,000 satisfied customers have already purchased a Provisit Visum policy.

We have developed Provisit Visum especially for your visit to Germany. Who are we? The experts for international health insurance. For over 60 years, DR-WALTER has been insuring all types of travel. Our specialty is providing coverage for foreign visitors.

We have received the TÜV certificate “Certified Service Quality” every year since 2011, which is proof of our outstanding services. Over the years, more than 99% of our customers have given us top marks for our insurance policies and services. 

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