Health insurance for German opportunity card

We provide information on the "opportunity card", the German visa for job seekers from third countries, and give recommendations on health insurance.

New type of visa: opportunity card

The opportunity card ("Chancenkarte") was introduced on June 1, 2024. This is a residence permit for non-EU citizens. With the opportunity card, they are allowed to stay in Germany for one year to find a job.

Not to be confused: there is already a residence permit for this purpose, the job-seeking visa ("Visum zur Arbeitssuche"). However, the hurdles for obtaining the opportunity card are somewhat lower than for the job-seeker's visa. You can find details on obtaining the opportunity card here.

To avoid further confusion, the "Blue Card" should also be mentioned. This is also a visa that is intended to make it easier to find a job in Germany. However, the Blue Card ("Blaue Karte") is aimed exclusively at foreign academics with a university degree.

Who needs the opportunity card?

The opportunity card is for all persons who come from a country that does not belong to the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Nationals of the following countries are excluded: Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the USA.

The opportunity card is used exclusively for the purpose of finding a job. This type of visa does not cover other types of stays in Germany, e.g. tourist trips, family visits, studies or language courses.

What health insurance do I need to apply for an opportunity card?

When you apply for the opportunity card, you must provide proof of private health insurance that meets the following conditions:

  • The health insurance must be valid throughout Europe, more precisely, in all Schengen states
  • It must have a sum insured of at least 30,000 euros
  • It must be valid for the entire expected duration of the stay in Germany
  • The scope of the health insurance must correspond to that of statutory health insurance

Provisit Educare24 is the ideal health insurance for the opportunity card

The opportunity card is usually issued for a period of one year, but can be extended for a further two years under certain circumstances. With our Provisit Educare24 private health insurance, you are always well prepared: Provisit Educare24 can be taken out for up to 4 years and corresponds to the scope of benefits of statutory health insurance.

The visa authorities require health insurance with a minimum cover of 30,000 euros. Provisit Educare24 also exceeds this requirement: the sum insured is unlimited.

Of course, Provisit Educare24 also fulfills the requirement for the area of validity. Provisit Educare24 is not only valid in Germany, but in the entire Schengen area. And here too, Provisit Educare24 exceeds the requirements: For a verifiable maximum stay of six weeks, there is worldwide protection for the duration of the contract, even in the home country.

You will receive the insurance confirmation by e-mail immediately after taking out the policy for submission to the authorities.

(As of June 2024)